2023-04-27 | Bel'Veth Jungle vs Evelynn - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:35 | 58 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Sylas Jungle vs Qiyana - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 18:24 | 30 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Jarvan IV Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:18 | 58 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Viego Jungle vs Sejuani - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:35 | 37 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Kayn Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:16 | 28 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Rammus Jungle vs Gragas - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 25:53 | 70 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Xin Zhao Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:08 | 59 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Kindred Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 25:39 | 35 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Maokai Jungle vs Kindred - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:33 | 65 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Talon Jungle vs Gragas - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:48 | 35 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Ezreal ADC vs Varus - KR Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 24:40 | 43 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Nocturne Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 18:53 | 47 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Shyvana Jungle vs Viego - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 21:48 | 50 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Rumble Mid vs Kai'Sa - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 25:13 | 19 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Zac Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 29:14 | 47 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Ekko Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 24:24 | 33 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Warwick Jungle vs Viego - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:23 | 118 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Volibear Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 18:24 | 49 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Udyr Jungle vs Graves - KR Diamond 1 | Patch 13.8 | 28:23 | 149 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Jarvan IV Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 18:25 | 23 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Vi Jungle vs Taliyah - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:59 | 20 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Graves Jungle vs Vi - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:32 | 47 | | League of Legends
2023-04-27 | Graves Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 20:33 | 17 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Bel'Veth Jungle vs Gragas - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 19:50 | 36 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Talon Jungle vs Skarner - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 19:22 | 20 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Jax Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 29:55 | 82 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Morgana Jungle vs Bel'Veth - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 21:11 | 32 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Elise Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:45 | 18 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Talon Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 22:24 | 40 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Vi Jungle vs Hecarim - KR Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 23:33 | 32 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Bel'Veth Jungle vs Rammus - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:48 | 66 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Master Yi Jungle vs Rek'Sai - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:22 | 45 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Nocturne Jungle vs Jarvan IV - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:22 | 26 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Viego Jungle vs Kayn - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 20:26 | 55 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Poppy Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:30 | 31 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Elise Jungle vs Master Yi - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:49 | 19 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Viego - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:47 | 25 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Kha'Zix Jungle vs Lillia - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 27:42 | 30 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Hecarim Jungle vs Lillia - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:00 | 81 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Poppy Jungle vs Lee Sin - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 27:02 | 27 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Lillia Jungle vs Evelynn - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 26:23 | 51 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Udyr Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 20:46 | 61 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Evelynn Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:16 | 39 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Udyr Jungle vs Volibear - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 21:48 | 81 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Hecarim Jungle vs Evelynn - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 14:07 | 64 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Gwen Jungle vs Xin Zhao - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 24:01 | 46 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Udyr Jungle vs Lillia - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 18:40 | 58 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Volibear Top vs Illaoi - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 24:22 | 36 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Kog'Maw ADC vs Jinx - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:26 | 48 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Varus ADC vs Zeri - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:21 | 21 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Udyr Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 27:17 | 83 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Udyr Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 19:16 | 82 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Tristana Mid vs Katarina - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:37 | 33 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Diana Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 19:18 | 37 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Rumble Jungle vs Ekko - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:00 | 28 | | League of Legends
2023-04-26 | Master Yi Jungle vs Skarner - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:52 | 29 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Lillia Jungle vs Rumble - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:34 | 42 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Warwick Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 27:49 | 53 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Twitch ADC vs Varus - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:08 | 14 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Warwick Top vs Olaf - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 25:18 | 13 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Xin Zhao Top vs Yone - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:29 | 14 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Nocturne Jungle vs Kindred - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 17:11 | 36 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Wukong Jungle vs Lee Sin - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 20:57 | 24 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Kha'Zix Jungle vs Elise - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 24:38 | 17 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Senna Support vs Velkoz - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 20:35 | 48 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Xin Zhao Jungle vs Master Yi - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 20:16 | 45 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Graves Jungle vs Sejuani - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:45 | 24 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Evelynn Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 25:01 | 52 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Hecarim - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:45 | 19 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Maokai Jungle vs Viego - EUW Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 24:42 | 90 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Ekko Jungle vs Viego - KR Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 16:07 | 36 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Volibear Jungle vs Sylas - KR Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 19:12 | 38 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Jarvan IV Jungle vs Kindred - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:04 | 76 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Udyr Jungle vs Bel'Veth - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 20:38 | 63 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Kha'Zix Jungle vs Xin Zhao - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:22 | 44 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Vi Jungle vs Diana - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:10 | 73 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Wukong Jungle vs Rengar - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 24:59 | 37 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Viego Mid vs Kennen - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:16 | 29 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Kayn Jungle vs Viego - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:27 | 45 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Nidalee Jungle vs Rengar - KR Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 24:07 | 65 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Shaco Jungle vs Master Yi - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 24:11 | 32 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Udyr Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:55 | 47 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Sylas Jungle vs Trundle - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:25 | 36 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Nilah ADC vs Kai'Sa - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 26:02 | 53 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Ekko Jungle vs Qiyana - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:03 | 24 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Kayn Jungle vs Shyvana - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 18:07 | 21 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Taliyah Jungle vs Elise - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 17:09 | 18 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Sejuani Jungle vs Fiddlesticks - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 20:09 | 33 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Shyvana Jungle vs Fiddlesticks - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 22:31 | 43 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Elise Jungle vs Gragas - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 20:58 | 15 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Hecarim Jungle vs Poppy - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 24:42 | 22 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Samira ADC vs Varus - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 22:35 | 19 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Fiddlesticks Jungle vs Gwen - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 27:21 | 52 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Kha'Zix Jungle vs Graves - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 25:38 | 33 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Sylas Jungle vs Gragas - KR Master | Patch 13.8 | 21:42 | 35 | | League of Legends
2023-04-25 | Lee Sin Jungle vs Rek'Sai - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 21:51 | 10 | | League of Legends
2023-04-24 | Udyr Jungle vs Zac - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 28:05 | 93 | | League of Legends
2023-04-24 | Nidalee Jungle vs Kha'Zix - EUW Grandmaster | Patch 13.8 | 27:13 | 26 | | League of Legends
2023-04-24 | Viego Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Challenger | Patch 13.8 | 25:44 | 37 | | League of Legends
2023-04-24 | Graves Jungle vs Ekko - EUW Master | Patch 13.8 | 23:39 | 23 | | League of Legends