Ottster Gaming

Ottster Gaming

United States
United States

Ottster Gaming is an American YouTube content creator with roughly 3.41 thousand subscribers. He published at least 4.68 thousand videos which altogether total around 3.13 million views.

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All Videos by Ottster Gaming

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2024-09-16Mass Effect 2 - Grunt has joined Clan Urdnot / Talk to Garrus0:0027Mass Effect 2
2024-09-15Stray: The Slums / Part 2 Gameplay0:0010Stray
2024-09-14Three Creators, One Epic Reaction to Mobile Game Ads Gone Wild! 😆0:00493Minecraft
2024-09-14Stray: The Slums / Gameplay0:003Stray
2024-09-13Stray: The Flat Gameplay Meet B-120:0061Stray
2024-09-12Stray - Dead City0:008Stray
2024-09-11I wasn't ready for that ending! 😱0:003,049
2024-09-10Stray - Inside the Wall0:0045
2024-09-10She would be great in the Olympic #gaming #gameplay #gamer #olympicgames #olympics #ottstergaming0:00407
2024-09-10Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Lolingestone Bandit Camp0:005Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
2024-09-09Assassin's Creed Valhalla / Wealth Collected Nickel Ingot / With Map0:009Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
2024-09-08Assassin's Creed ValhallaSaint Hadrian's Priory / Avenge Tiki_Hara0:006Assassin's Creed
2024-09-08Kid's Got Game: Unexpected Arcade Victory 🏆 #ArcadeChamp #KidWins #GamingSkills0:003,078
2024-09-07I love the loot #gaming #games #gameplay #achievement #ottstergaming #assassinscreedvalhalla0:00346
2024-09-06Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wealth Collected Nickel Ingot0:0023Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
2024-09-06When Words Are Harder Than Boss Battles #WordFail #gamerproblems #tiktokchallenge0:002,201
2024-09-06Wealth collected - shorts #gaming #gameplay #games #ottstergaming0:00438
2024-09-05Wealth Collected / Brigandine Gauntlets / Assassin's Creed Valhalla0:0012Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
2024-09-04Easiest $500 ever? This girl's living in 3024! 🤯0:002,665
2024-09-03The end of residential evil, village spoiler alert #residentevil #gaming #ottstergaming #shorts0:00409
2024-09-02Can We Just Skip the Game and Help Out? 🙄 #help #donate #skipthegame0:001,196
2024-09-02Resident Evil Village - The Ending of Gameplay0:008Resident Evil Village
2024-09-01September 1, 20240:00413
2024-09-01Ghostwire:Tokyo - The Crimson Moon / Mission Complete0:0026GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-31Ghostwire:Tokyo - The Crimson Moon / Part 3 Side mission0:0015GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-31Not a silver bullet but that’ll do - shorts #gaming #games #ottstergaming #ghostwiretokyo0:00463GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-30Ghostwire:Tokyo - The Crimson Moon part 2 / Side mission0:0015GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-29Ghostwire:Tokyo - Side mission / The Crimson Moon Part 10:007GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-29Turning Sacred Sites into Playgrounds: Yay or Nay?0:00423
2024-08-29Ghost Buster #gaming #ottstergaming #ghostwiretokyo0:00429GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-28Ghostwire:Tokyo - Mission completed / Little Girl Lost0:0035GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-27Ghostwire:Tokyo - Mission complete / And Then There Were None0:007GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-27Truck Goes Yeet in Saints Row! 😂0:00463Saints Row
2024-08-26Ghostwire:Tokyo - Side missions started / And then There Were None0:0015GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-26Tough mini boss fight - Shorts #ottstergaming #gaming #ghoshtwire0:00434
2024-08-25Ghostwire:Tokyo - The Demon Parade0:0014GhostWire: Tokyo
2024-08-25Classic COD Energy! 💪 #gameon #CODLegend #banter0:00520Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
2024-08-24Let’s ride #cyberpunk2077 #gaming #automobile #gameplay #games #ottstergaming0:00291Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-23Cyberpunk 2077 - Job Completed / The Gig0:0016Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-23When Ellie Becomes The Flash 😂0:00505Grand Theft Auto V
2024-08-22Cyberpunk 2077 - Job Completed / The Gift0:0018Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-22I’m lost 😂 #cyberpunk2077 #gaming #ottstergaming0:00534Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-21Can't Wait for GTA VI When Can We Play?!0:00447Grand Theft Auto V
2024-08-20Cyberpunk 2077 - Job Completed - With A Little Help From My Friends0:0029Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-19Cyberpunk 2077 - With a little help from my friends / Part 20:006Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-19Don’t think that’s an Australian brakedancers #raygun #cyberpunk2077 #gaming #ottstergaming #short0:00636
2024-08-19Arthur Morgan: The Ultimate Anti-Hero We Love0:00523Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-18Cyberpunk 2077 - Job completed With a little help from my friend0:0019Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-17Cyberpunk 2077 - Point of no Return change my mind0:0032Cyberpunk 2077
2024-08-16Watch Him Delete This When He’s Wrong! Classic! 🤣0:0013,394
2024-08-16God of War Ragnarok - The path / The Reckoning / Depart Freyr's Camp When Ready0:009God of War Ragnarök
2024-08-15God of War Ragnarok - Western Berri Woods Discover0:008God of War Ragnarök
2024-08-15It’s looting time #godofwarragnarok #godofwar #gaming #kratos #playstation 0:001,337God of War Ragnarök
2024-08-15Gotta Love Arthur’s Humor in the Middle of a Shootout! 🙌 #ArthurJokes #ShootoutFun #rdr20:005,920Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-14God of War Ragnarok - Defeated NIDHOGG0:0015God of War Ragnarök
2024-08-14Sadie Just Owns the Moment. Total Badass! #BossLady #GamingLegend #RDR2Queen0:0010,666Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-13When Your Aim is Just Too Good! 🎯 #RedDeadRedemption2 #QuickDraw #GamingMoments0:001,295Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-13God of War Ragnarok - Defeated FISKE0:006God of War Ragnarök
2024-08-12God of War Ragnarok - Defeat Forest Ancient0:005God of War Ragnarök
2024-08-12All This for a Shiny Gold Bar?! #WorthIt #RDR2 #Gaming0:0010,236Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-11Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Eywa's Blessing Completed0:0016Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-11He’s not make sense #gaming #games #gamer #gameplay #avatarfrontiersofpandora #ottstergaming0:00420Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-10Tying Up NPCs: Just Another Day in RDR2!0:004,664Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-09Eywa's Blessing / Avatar Frontiers of Pandora0:0036Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-09Yes aim fire #gaming #avatar #games #gamer #avatarfrontiersofpandora #ottstergaming0:00437Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-08Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - The Aranahe Clan0:0015Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-08Bro Just Got Hit Where It Hurts! 😂 #SniperFails #CampingGoneWrong #epicshots0:007,486
2024-08-07Hometree avatar #gaming #games #gamer #gameplay #ottstergaming #avatarthewayofwater0:00416
2024-08-07Dancing Like Confused Chickens! 🐔💃 #dancefails #funnymoments #tiktokcomedy0:00505
2024-08-07Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Find the Aranahe Hometree0:0015Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-06Chicken Dinner or Dance Winner? 🍗💃 #PUBGEmoteMadness #BattleRoyaleBoogie #GamerGrooves0:00417
2024-08-06Cliff jumping and free fall - Shorts #gaming #gamer #games #ottstergaming0:00434
2024-08-06Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Completed Becoming0:0014Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-05Learn how to survive in Pandora - Shorts #gaming #avatar #playstation #gamer #ottstergaming0:00418Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-05RDR2 Crushes the Competition, No Cap #gaminggoat #arthurforever #yeehawskyrim0:00533Red Dead Redemption 2
2024-08-05Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Becoming / Find Nor0:0020Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-04Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Songs of the ancestor completed0:0035Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-04Your Hand Moves Faster Than My Brain on a Monday!0:0014,473
2024-08-03Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Pneumatic tower echo destroyed13:1614Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-03When the Boss Fight Wins IRL" #BrokenScreen #ControllerStuck #GamerProblems0:1025,402
2024-08-02Oh boy falling in style #gaming #games #playstation #gamer #ottstergaming #saintsrow0:00448Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-02Pandora beauty landscape - Shorts #gaming #gamer #games #avatarfrontiersofpandora0:15140
2024-08-02When Your Sim's Side Profile Hits Different 😱 #SimsFail #SideProfileShock #GamingFail0:00543
2024-08-02Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Welcome to the resistance / Resistance Headquarter0:0025Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-08-01"The Kart Combo That'll Make You Go 'Wahoo!' #MarioMagic #RacingRevolution #VictoryLap0:211,404Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2024-08-01Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Welcome to the resistance20:5320Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
2024-07-31Saints Row - Threats: Idols Vandals13:3722
2024-07-31Too Old to Be This Excited, But Who Cares? #SpiderMan2 #PS5 #gamerfeels0:169,981Spider-Man 2
2024-07-30Saints Row - Completed Explore Hidden History Doc Ketchum's14:2618Saints Row IV
2024-07-30Gaming in Bed: The Secret to a Good Night’s Sleep? #BedtimeGaming #psportal #chillvibes0:003,657
2024-07-29PS6 Drops Before GTA 6?! Gaming World Goes Crazy!0:00481
2024-07-29Does he have too much to drink or is he talking too much? #gaming #saintsrow #gaming #ottstergaming0:15438
2024-07-29Saints Row - Wingsuit Saboteur12:3438
2024-07-28When the PS4 sounds like it’s about to take off #GamerProblems, #RoommateHumor, #PS4Life0:1412,140
2024-07-28Saints Row - Trying to figure out what to do next12:3338Saints Row IV
2024-07-27Can’t a Gamer Catch a Break? PS6 Already?0:32508
2024-07-27Forspoken - Frey's Journey / Waking Up Completed / Part 3 / Defeat the keeper of the illusion12:3017Forspoken
2024-07-27Easy kill? #games #gaming #pcgaming #gameplay #gamer #ottstergaming #forspoken #zombieslayer #sho0:07440Forspoken
2024-07-26Yo, Take My Money Already! I Need This in My Life! #GTA6 #PS5 #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney0:21971Grand Theft Auto VI
2024-07-26This whole thing is a lie. It’s called the matrix #gaming #playstation #forspoken #ottstergaming0:15481Forspoken