Are The Celestials More Powerful Than Galactus?

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Duration: 4:52

The first is Tiamut the communicator or also known as the Dreaming Celestial. This celestial already held a high rank amongst all the others as he is the one responsible of communicating the findings and results of the celestial works to the Fulcrum. Its not just that, Tiamut also had fought Arishem the Judge in the past over the latter’s biased judgement on the deviants. He took down the prime celestial and was only stopped when all the other celestials combined their power to stop him. He was then sealed inside the Earth and eventually when he awoke from that slumber or as in the MCU, they call that the emergence, the power of his being radiated throughout the universe and Galactus, who was far away felt it and for once in his long life remembered what it is to feel fear, which tells us that Galactus knows Tiamut is a celestial more powerful than him.
Exitar - Exitar appears to be kind of a title, a function or a "model" among Celestials, as Uatu stated that if a Exitar died, another one would eventually take his place. Exitar's purpose was to destroy the life on worlds which failed the Celestials' tests. Exitar the Exterminator first appears in Thor #387 - Judgment Day released in 1988, exitar the exterminator is a celestial of titanic size large and tall as mountains, he is an immeasurably powerful celestial, he possesses cosmic powers far superior to those of a common celestial which in turn possesses cosmic power beyond measurments, exitar is tens of times stronger than a common celestial and he dwarfs well-fed galactus in terms of power. The one comparison that made this possible is Thor’s god blast, it was enogh to repel and chase away galactus but in the case of exitar, it just bounced off like shining a torchlight into a mirror.
The next one is the Mad celestial, and what is that you may ask. So once, There were four of these Celestials and they were sick. They were stricken with madness and went around destroying realities. Galactus became involved because, he wanted to protect the Earth because of the Galactus seed which is an item of extraordinary power hidden on Earth that would satiate Galactus' hunger forever. Four of these celestials appeared and Galactus, wo had devoured four planets were ready for them and even managed to kill one but when they combined into the Overpowered Mad celestial, Galactus was defeated rather easily by it. He would have been killed if not for Franklin Richards repowering him to take on the Mad celestial together. So that is three celestials already that are more powerful than Galactus,
And the last one is none other than the One Above all, The One Above All, the mysterious leader of the Celestials, is rarely seen. Two American astronauts, three Deviants, and the Eternal known as the Forgotten One once paid the creature a visit aboard the Celestial mothership. When the Forgotten One was injured while defusing a Deviant nuclear weapon, the entity rescued him and sent him to Olympia to warn the Eternals and gods not to meddle with Celestial judgement. He easily teleported Thor away, took care of the Odin destroyer and the Uni mind with ease and he might as well be the codex for the celestial race, when he was taken away by the queen of nevers when all the other celestials were killed by Logos. Which means he holds enough power and essence to be classified as above all the celestials and galactus as well.

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