Everspace - Not So Easy Street - Let's Play Entry 4/5

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN5OlhGGaWQ

Everspace (2016)
Duration: 49:19

Welcome back to Everspace my friends! In this entry, I try easy mode, but find it's not thaaaat easy. In my first run, my life support gets damaged almost immediately, and I never quite find all the resources I need to repair it. OOOPS. In my second run, I last a lot longer, but run out of fuel, sooooooo I make the good guys the bad guys by shooting them, also don't get enough fuel out of it, and then blow up when trying to jump anyway. CRAAAAAZY, crazy fun though. Now onto hard!
Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6K1_LepsaN-3d-4gSgRg4iJymRGKcvhq
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There are 6,950 views in 9 videos for Everspace. The game makes up 6 hours of published video on his channel, less than 0.14% of Everspace video content that Space Game Junkie has uploaded to YouTube.