Exodus (1993) Walkthrough + Review, SAM Coupé

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys78ys1f_Ec

Duration: 23:35

Earth is under siege by the 'Bugs United Terrorist Team' (B.U.T.T.) led by the evil Dr. Gub who is looking to take complete control of the planet. The only hope lies in the hands of the 'Bird Organization To Terminate 'Orrible Monsters' (B.O.T.T.O.M.). Now one of it's recruits, the player, has to penetrate the B.U.T.T. HQ and destroy Dr. Gub and his hoard of creatures.

If you know the game Smash T.V. that were released for most home computers and consoles in 1991-92, then you will know what Exodus is all about, because Exodus is basically SAM’s version of Smash T.V.

But where Smash T.V. had the same enemies moving in the same patterns every game, so you had a chance for memorizing the gameplay, this is not the coincidence here. Actually I think most people playing Exodus for the first time will be pretty overwhelmed, because if you thought there was a lot of enemies and little space in Smash T.V. …erhmm, well…

You don’t leave the rooms and follow a route like in Smash T.V. You just have to survive the massive attack by lots of lots of lots of enemies from B.U.T.T. that constantly is coming in through the six doors in every room. When you shoot the enemies some of them will drop crisp packets, and when you have collected five of these you will proceed to the next room.

Besides the crisp packets the enemies will also drop a lot of different things that will increase your score and give you bonus points if you collect them, power ups for your weapon, invulnerability for a short time, speed up, bombs that kills all enemies on the screen, and most important – Extra lives!

When the game starts, autofire for your weapon is automatically enabled, and that is also necessary because you are attacked by an insane number of enemies! The first thing you have to try to get on every level is a power up for your weapon, because your standard shooting, even with autofire, don’t really do the thing. You shoot in the direction you are walking, but if you hold down fire button when going e.g. east, you will continue to shoot east when you change direction.

This is a massive fast paced run and gun game, and once you get used to all the enemies on the screen, this is a really good game that will give you a run for your money. Everything moves fast and smooth, there is a good use of color and fine soundtracks, and it is also possible to play 2-player simultaneously. When playing a two player game both players have to collect five crisp packets before the level is completed. There is 17 levels where the 3 of them features huge boss fights, and the game even comes with an intro on a separate disk. A cool detail is that you in the intro on 2:05 can see the original Smash T.V. arcade machine in the background.

The game was published by Apex Developments in 1993.

Rating = 92%

The game can be downloaded for free here:
Intro disk: https://www.worldofsam.org/sites/default/files/dl-09/exodus_intro.dsk
Game disk: https://www.worldofsam.org/sites/default/files/dl-09/exodus.dsk