How I passed Braimmond Abyssal

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Duration: 4:21

RIP my allowance for trying to get new heroes ;w;

All credit goes to their respective owners, can’t list them all at once because word count is tracking me, and I think we know the drill by now who owns what (besides the footage being recorded by my gameplay)

Anyways, as of the time I recorded this, the event had long since passed, but I wanted to share how I managed to beat Braimmond Abyssal; I was really using a guide to follow along, so for the most part, whatever the guide said in that video, I did the same thing, with a major difference being who was also on my team and what skills they had equipped. This is NOT, and I repeat, NOT a video I would recommend to use as a guide the next time this guy shows up again and you haven’t passed his Abyssal level yet, though if you’re short on orbs, feathers, Heroic Grails, etc, but have alternate units that could accommodate accordingly, then hopefully this video helps inspire you to think outside the box a bit.

So here’s the more detailed explanation of what the video said at the beginning:
I was trying to pass Braimmond Infernal (or Abyssal, I can’t recall, but it was definitely one of the two) on my own, and I kept failing at it, so I went to go look at how it was properly done to pass it, and I believe it was PheonixMaster1 who had a guide on Braimmond Abyssal that I checked out first before reading what units were used in the description, and uh… PheonixMaster, I apologize if you are reading this right now, but for goodness sake, that guide was confusing for me to understand and the units required for it were mostly ones I don’t have myself because I’m broke ;w; Anyways, after I determined that idea, I pretty much went to find if KumaTheta had a video on how to pass it (which they did), and I saw that the units used for that specific guide were all ones I had and/or could realistically get if I was lucky. That is until I saw a unit I knew was accessible, but hadn’t the budget or resources for that was in the video as well.

The 4 units that were used in that video were Eir, Peony, Brave Dimitri, & Young Minerva. Eir & Peony were units you gained for free if you completed all 5 parts of the first chapter of book 3 & 4 respectively, Brave Dimitri is available in the general summoning pool or as a free unit you could choose if you’re new to FEH (or returning after a longass vacation from the app), either of which is convenient in some context, and Young Minerva was apparently a free reward for the Tempest Trial that was taking place during the “Start of it All” banner (something that I missed out on because I didn’t have the game for so long) and is also in the Heroic Grails lineup to get up to 20 times. …Guess which unit was the one I didn’t have.

I could’ve easily gotten Young Minerva from the Heroic Grails since I had plenty of those on hand, but I didn’t have the feathers or other resources to go actually raising her from scratch ground up, as the feathers themselves were planned for some of my other units (Lilina, Y!Lyon, Petrine, etc), the orbs I had was low because I have no patience sometimes to try and get someone, and I didn’t have the time to go speed raising, as not only is that a bad idea to do in general, it prevents me from really getting to know some of the units properly myself; the only units who were allowed to get that treatment previously was my Plegian Kris after he inherited one of my spare Lex’s Axe EXP skill (because he went up super fast after I accidentally placed him, who was at level 1 from enhancement, on a map for units that are LEVEL 8 and miraculously doing work for everyone) and my surprise L!Leif that came with Hel because he apparently knew how to one-shot and grow fast.

Green units are the rarest to find and summon, as there’s the least amount of them in the game itself as of now. Speaking of that, do you know how hard it is to find if you also had a specific unit at all from a guide and seeing if it’s VIABLE, let alone one from the rarest type of unit, for SUBSITUTE? I could think of only two units who were the exact weapon type and were fliers like Y!Minerva that I owned and a 5 star lvl 40 unit: Hel and Fallen F!Morgan. I then looked at what the latter had equipped, and after trial and error, I found that with a few differences, she was perfectly suitable for Y!Minerva’s substitute, and I think you guys know how the rest of that story goes.

Link to the video I mentioned looking at from KumaTheta while trying to beat Braimmond Abyssal:

Credit for the thumbnail used for this video goes to my friend, Unicat, who I asked if she could draw a thumbnail for this video a while back, and the drawing itself is absolutely stunning, so special thanks to her for drawing that for me (seriously, thank you so much, Uni! ☺️)

Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem Heroes