Karl Escapa! | VALIANT HEARTS - THE GREAT WAR | Capítulo 3

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4gvnmErMVg

Duration: 1:26:08

🔴Suscríbete: https://www.youtube.com/@UCJJL0NUbAvZM1mNH1Vj4WBQ
🟣Directos casi diarios: https://www.twitch.tv/introcoffee

Capítulo 3 - Desilusionado

Playthrough completa de Valiant Hearts: The Great War en español, sin prisa, disfrutando de la maravillosa historia. Jugado en directo.

Gracias Ubisoft por la clave de Valiant Hearts: The Collection #ubisoftpartner

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Other Statistics

Valiant Hearts: The Great War Statistics For Introcoffee

Introcoffee currently has 78 views spread across 4 videos for Valiant Hearts: The Great War. His channel currently has around 6 hours worth of content for Valiant Hearts: The Great War, or 1.31% of the total watchable video on Introcoffee's YouTube channel.