Let's Play ► Coma: Mortuary | #2

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFYEWonmS9c

Coma (2010)
Let's Play
Duration: 32:03

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-- About the Game --
Coma:Mortuary is the only the introduction part of a trilogy about events in the world of the dead. The game`s genre is Adventure-Ambient with Horror-quest element.
The story is about a guy who has lost meaning in his life, because of the tragic death of his girlfriend. Drunk and depressed, he got behind the wheel of his car, determined to commit suicide in the same spot where she died. Somehow he survived the accident, but fell into a coma, and his soul is now wandering the world of the dead where a new story unfolds.

-- This game costs dinero. --
★Publisher: NAGA Entertainment
★Indie DB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/comamortuary
★Get it on Steam : http://store.steampowered.com/app/293320/
★Outtro music: Original content is owned by Jason Shaw, released under the Creative Commons Licence
★ Website: http://www.audionautix.com
★ E-mail: jasonshaw@audionautix.com

★ Thumbnail artwork by thezenbear89. Please do not re-use.

lets play coma mortuary
let's play coma mortuary
Coma mortuary walkthrough
Coma mortuary walkthrough part 1
Coma mortuary playthrough
Coma mortuary gameplay
Coma mortuary part 1
Coma mortuary let's play
Coma mortuary lets play
Let's Play Coma mortuary playthrough
Let's Play Coma mortuary part 1
Coma mortuary commentary
Let's Play Coma mortuary walkthrough 1
coma mortuary zenbear
coma mortuary horror
Coma (Symptom)
coma mortuary end
coma mortuary ending

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Coma Statistics For ZenBear

ZenBear currently has 3,247 views spread across 2 videos for Coma. There's close to an hours worth of content for Coma published on her channel, less than 0.35% of the total video content that ZenBear has uploaded to YouTube.