LGWI - The Birthday of Bacon 2013 (9/10) - Internet Browser Grimith

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fVHtu_ix94

Let's Play
Duration: 53:56

A ten-part series in which I bacon over four hundred questions from two hundred forty participants while playing Dungeon Defenders. This video contains participants #195-220. Their names (and questions) are below, albeit without timestamps:

#195) lonewolf9681
1. grimith have you ever thought of playing a playthrough of dead island or dead island riptide with lethalfeline, jef, or revocane?. 2.and will we see more 60 minute flash or more high quality gameplay with you and sks?

#196) 0umbrellacorp
1. If we asked you to dance for us on a livestream, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question? 2. What is the average price of bacon where you live.

#197) tiefernan
Overlord Grimmith: 1. Who is your favorite comedian? 2. What is your opinion on collecting retro games?

#198) DiabeticNecromancer
What is your favorite video game dilemma that can be solved with common sense? What do you do / play when you want to be happy?

#199) tinkertoy0fu77
How can you make everything you say sound so condescending?

#200) sneakybovine
Dearest Grimith, Your DM-manship is riveting. Have you ever considered voice acting or writing? Also, how do you make a living?

#201) Jabberdau
1. If there is any advice from your succeses or failures in life you would want to give on, what would it be? 2. Which book/movie/? has had the biggest impact/influence on your life?

#202) boxerdemon
1. What's your favorite Western film? 2. Do you like The Pogues? I like The Pogues.

#203) raifthemad
He did have a beard and my first thought upon seeing this vidia was "dude what happened to your beard?" 1. So my first question is did you shave it because you wanted to be rid of it or because of outside pressure(so much for thinking about it for a week :P)? 2. Have you ever thought on the lines of what's the point of our existence, if yes then what conclusions have you come to? Unless you're religious(doubtful since you come off quite a bright guy) in which case I don't want to know.

#204) kubamakar
1. Do you prefer to make content alone or with someone ?(like Lethal)

#205) Brandon Renard
1. Why are you so badass? 2. Cake or Death?

#206) Tohann
I only have one question, Why You Shafe grim? You look soo soooo young now liked you better with big grim beard ;)

#207) mam162
1.) I noticed in your video when you removed the CWG2 videos you mentioned you were missing the Baltimore-Pittsburgh game. Are you a Ravens or Steelers fan? 2.) What is the worst game you have ever played? And thanks for three years of great LPs!?

#208) king121222
You have to save one major villain in history who would you pick and why??

#209) tydyedragon
2:02 bacon is serious business, i cook bacon bits for a living, 50+ hours weekly
Two questions; and if derping, willing to stand up for derpage:
Why you joke about bacon?
How do you rate your life?

#210) Arakash
After your experiences as a Storyteller in VTM and your GM experience in other tabletop games, what is the best piece of advice you would give inexperienced:
1. Players
2. GMs

#211) Hiiiiii74
Here are my two questions:
1: Have you had any prior experience with Dwarf Fortress?
2: What are your thoughts on the most recent installments of the Elder Scrolls series? (Oblivion, Skyrim, TES Online)

#212) Kitsune Zeta
1. What do you think about the removal of the character limit on the comments?
2. What are your thoughts, in general, on the whole Visual Novel medium? (this is assuming you've even heard of visual novels to begin with)

#213) OpticalJesu5
How are you? How has YouTube influenced your lifestyle?

#214) Nick Hawkins
1. Who was the main role model in your life? 2. Will you change sites if a better alternative comes up?

#215) halatov
1. I have a feeling that you are a kind of person who could one day just delete all of your uploaded videos. I don't want to insult you or something, just wondering if it's true.
2. Your favorite book and why?

#216) Stevio Murfinio
1: If you could punch any celebrity/politician/dickhead in the world, right square in the face with no consequences who would it be? 2: If you could travel back in time to live in any place of the world at any point in history where would you go?

#217) Xennus The Shadoe
what is your opinion of the youtube google+ thing? and what do you think of the steam box?

#218) MetalSlimeHunt
1. How do you feel about transhumanism?
2. Are you a lucid dreamer?

#219) 1337Yazman
FINALLY, this stupid fucking Google+ shit stopping me from commenting.
1. In this year's Rewarding the Rewarders Program, are there any games in particular you're really looking forward to playing?
2. If you could introduce a game you like to any historical figure, who would it be, what game, and why?

#220) Jouzou87
Do you play chess?

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