May 2016 Patreon AMA

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Duration: 54:11

Super long AMA inc.. Thanks for the support everyone!

Questions below..


Peter “I want to do Youtube/Twitch for fun and possibly some extra cash, but you've already done videos on how-to-make vidya your job, so my question is how do you get comfortable enough on mic/cam to actually be entertaining/funny while you're actually having a good time yourself?” 02:06

Lloyd “I remember you doing a video on great game soundtracks one year that I got a lot out of. It had bignic on it from some office zombie game . It really turned me on to some good stuff and I was wondering if you might do that again.” 04:23

Alan “Will there be a dedicated Patreon/Sub game night? With so many people interested in playing is there going to be a rotation system for all to join in on the fun?” 05:34

Peter “Are you going to Blizzcon this year? If so could we have a Patron meetup? Preferably not Thursday evening :-) 07:15

Peter “I remember that some time ago you were working for ZAM organising content. Did you stop working for them?” 07:47

Edin “Any plans on streams during EU friendly times? (This is not a request, just wondering.)” 08:52

Peter “I really liked the Tomb Raider Let’s Play you did a while back. Would you consider doing anymore Let’s plays?” 10:07

SpirriX “What are the essentials anyone needs to be starting out a YT channel? Could you recommend some free/cheap software for someone just looking for a foot in? Also, what is your favourite Ben & Jerry's?” 11:32

Alex “Hey Mike. Huge fan ever since them legendary days. I've always wondered what happened to it. Do you perhaps know the fate of gamebreakertv? Unfortunately with the removal of the older episodes are no longer avalible and I would honestly love to watch them again.” 13:30

Multibiddi “Mike, love your indie for breakfast series. What happened with the BFF reports? Used to love those videos. Go, go Gizmo duck.” 15:04

Ryan “How do you feel your exposure with Total Biscuit has increased your audience. I know you did the OMD2 WTF is.. as well as a Co-Optional Podcast with him a few weeks ago. Is there anything you wish you had done/said while you were on that show that might've helped get more followers? do you see any more collaborations with different creators in the future? what are your reasons/requirements for doing a co-lab?” 16:50

Andreas “What game would you bring to a party, dont matter if its pc , xbox etc. but you can only choose one game.” 20:25

Inkogni “What happened with the chinhawk? What is the proudest moment in your gaming history that you will remember for the next 50 years?” 21:15


Kyle “So.....are you are ya taking a drink before every show, cause your cheek are really red, or does your wife slap ya around before shows to get ya pumped?” 24:50

Chainstomp “What did you do before being a content creator and taking pictures of half naked girls? I have a vague memory of you talking about porn at some point but I'm not sure.” 25:34

Joey “Hey Mikeb! I don't know if you mentioned it before but how did you get to know your wife? And can you talk about the journey with her till now?” 26:51

Stefan “How old is Sundae? I feel like she's been around for literally all the years I've been watching you, starting with that "Getting the good shots" video.” 28:29

Badl1fe “On a scale of bacon to chinhawk, how awesome is being a dad and how much are you looking forward to another babyhawk?” 29:20

Tabitha “How has balancing being a dad and content creator worked out for you? How do you foresee things changing with baby #2 on the way?” 30:36

Mark “Will you go full Commander Riker beard for pregnancy #2?” 32:16


Brandedwolf “Do you prefer using a midi keyboard or using piano roll within the software itself? Curious what you think works best.” 32:58

Stefan “You often use in-ear headphones when you're on camera (I4B, Co-optional podcast) - what pair is that and why in ears specifically.” 34:30

Feam T “We all know that you're a very multi-talented, photoshooting videogaming interviewing chinhawk having extraordinaire, but a long time ago I remember talks about you potentially working on projects "from the inside", so to speak…

Basically, can we ever expect to see you voice act in a game of sorts, or even try out designing one of your own with your years of experience in various aspects of the industry? I know that these kind of projects can be a big commitment and could definitely affect your current work schedule.. but if those are (still) things you're considering, I think a lot of us would love to see em!” 36:13


Karol “How did you get into taking pictures of half-naked ladies?” 39:07

Stefan “Favorite lens?” 45:37


Tabitha “Is the patreon helping you as much as you hoped? Where else do you see the channel going in the future with/without patreon?” 47:42

mike b aka fony
mike b
first impressions
ask me anything
question and answer