We have to be careful else...... Pindrop exclusive horror livestream

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myOUVZXnLK8

Duration: 1:01:24

Description - https://kyrelgames.in/slots/eyJpdiI6Ims0TUcvbVc0cmlVV0lSYnNnK1pTSEE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoicnBUcVlhWmh3R3R1SmVzWUZ5RUpwUT09IiwibWFjIjoiMTk2NWIxM2JkZTJiYjYzODAxYmQ2ZmI1YzMyZDU2YmI4ZGE4YjAwOGYyMjFjMWFkYmEzY2ZlYzg2M2ZlYjMzNyIsInRhZyI6IiJ9

In Pin Drop, players explore a dark world to find the true door. The journey is full of tension as they move through creepy settings while avoiding danger. Random objects can spawn and create noises, which can wake up zombies.

Torch is your only asset to see through the dark. You must continue collecting batteries on your way. Torch also can stop the awakened zombies for a few seconds.

Players need to be cautious with every step to avoid alerting the undead. Buy only if you like challenging horror game that tests your nerves and your ability to stay calm.

Note: We're frustrated developers making quirky games to frustrate you!