Mega Man & Bass (Rockman & Forte) - WonderSwan Games for English Speakers - H4G

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Duration: 5:28

Hello! In this series we’re gonna be looking at gems for the WonderSwan that fulfill 3 requirements: Can you play/understand it as an English speaker? Is it fun? Is it worth the price?

If you remember my first Wonderswan overview/review I covered the history of the Japan-only Wonderswan, some of the quirks of the system and even did a game review. If you haven’t checked that one out yet, I’d recommend doing so before continuing.
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Okay! We’re going to be reviewing Rockman and Forte Challenger from the future, also known as Mega Man and Bass.

This game is a sequel to the 1998 SNES game by the same name. It did come out in 1999 before the GBA port however.

The gameplay is pure Mega Man, but with the twist of having Bass. Mega Man can slide and charge his shots. Traditional Mega Man gameplay.

Bass on the other hand can dash, shoot in way more directions, and double jump! At first I thought this was the way to go, but the downside of Bass is that he cannot run and shoot, and his shots are MUCH MUCH weaker.

Look at this here. Average enemies take 2+ shots to kill whereas Mega Man kills them in one. Not to mention you cannot charge your shot. Stronger enemies seem to take an eternity. I think this is why my favorite character to play as is still Mega Man. There are just too many enemies that dive-bomb you or require you to kill them instantly in this game. Mega Man isn’t as mobile, but in these tight spaces Bass’ double jump doesn’t help you avoid enemies that well regardless. It’s more for ease of plat-forming.

To further this point look at this mini-boss. He comes up through the ground and eats it the platform. You have to kill him within a certain amount of time otherwise the ground goes away. Bass just takes way to long and turns bosses into bullet sponges.

I should also note that there are times that utilize the vertical control scheme for the Wonderswan. It’s a nice twist on the gameplay, but nothing amazing. In fact, many of the levels are quite fun, but overall don’t feel extremely inspired.

The graphics are solid here. I wish they were in color though! Oh well. Everything is clean and clear and the animations are smooth.

My only real complaint graphically is that it feels a bit squished. I would have preferred a 10-20% reduction in the sprite size if it meant seeing more of the stage. That said, it’s not nearly as bad as the GBA port. I haven’t played it, but from what I’ve seen it’s ridiculously tight.

The sound is good here. The music isn’t amazing though. Nothing that compares to the classic Mega Man tunes we all know and love, which is disappointing.

So can you play/understand it as an English speaker?
Yes! There is a story about the futuristic ‘Rockman Shadow’ that you and Bass team up to fight, but it’s not that important. Mega Man stories are fun, but it’s all about the gameplay in these types of games.

Is it fun?
Yes, but conditionally. I like the Mega Man series, but I’m not a diehard. This is a fun game, but even I know it doesn’t compare well to many of the other titles. Something about the combination of level design and music just isn’t as up to par with what you’d expect from 8 and 16-bit Mega Man games.

Is it worth the price?
The price wavers between $25-$60 + shipping (generally from Japan) on eBay depending on the condition and if it comes with the box. Mine was around $40 total. If you can catch it for a lower price AND you’re a fan of the series, I’d recommend it.

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Rockman & Forte Mirai Kara No Chōsensha (Video Game)
rockman and forte
Mega Man & Bass (Video Game)
Mega Man (Video Game Character)
WonderSwan (Video Game Platform)
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mega man and bass wonderswan
rockman and forte wonderswan
mega man wonderswan review
rockman and forte wonderswan review
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